
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Warm Christmas Wishes

We wish all our friends from blogspot, and followers a lovely and beautiful Christmas time.
Enjoy the snow, enjoy people you love and don't forget people who live alone, or are hospitalised.
Children who are in pain, or do not have a warm home to go to. They will love it to spent Christmas with your families.
If you have something to give.. it divides your happiness! A smile , a present, time to give or just listen to a lonely person.Every person has something to offer, small or big... rich or poor, we all have something beautiful.

So enjoy this time of year and we wish you a healthy and lovely 2010.


Dörte said...

Deine Winter-Moon sieht klasse aus und die Fotomontage ist sooo schön, obwohl ich den Winter nicht so gern hab.
Jedes Jahr denke ich an weniger glückliche Menschen, dann gebe ich immer jede Menge Seife an die Tafel, die Menschen freuen sich sehr darüber, können sie sich diesen Luxus doch nicht kaufen.

liebe Grüße Dörte

Sue said...

Thank you for the lovely wishes... I wish you a Wonderful Christmas and joy in the New year.
Blessings to you and yours!